Tech4Trust logo

For start-ups building the future of digital trust and cybersecurity

An acceleration program that helps the world’s most promising companies in the fields of cybersecurity and digital trust to get their business ready for market through top-notch mentoring, strategic support and training from leading industry partners.

During a 6-month program, Tech4Trust accelerates startups in cybersecurity and the digital trust space and help them secure funding, start pilots and future-proof their operations for faster and long-term growth.

Start-ups developing innovation solutions that tackle current digital trust challenges can apply until 28 August 2022.

Apply now


Why join Tech4Trust?


Gain strong visibility through demo days and roadshows


Access the Trust Valley ecosystem and top-level partners


Meet key investors and secure your next funding round

Coaching & mentoring

Get exclusive coaching & mentoring sessions with high-level experts

Training program

Improve your strategy and operations through high-quality workshops

Cash & in-kind prizes

Win prizes worth up to 150K sponsored by État de Vaud, PwC Switzerland and Fortinet

Pilots & PoCs

Find synergies with corporate companies & academics and start collaborations


Eligibility criteria

Startups developing innovative solutions to foster trust in our society and matching the following criteria are welcome to apply:

  • are incorporated for less than 7 years
  • already have a ready-to-market product or solution.
  • are in a customer acquisition phase.
  • are active in the program’s focused expertise and fields.
  • are committed to attend all the program’s activities.



Threat Intelligence, Quantum security, Forensics, Neurotechnology, Industrial IoT, Critical Infrastructure, SCADA, Robotics, AI, Access Control, Cybersecurity, Authentication, Data Privacy, Blockchain, Anti-counterfeiting, Traceability, GDPR, Authenticity Verification, Cloud Security, Anonymized, Data Management, Edge Cloud, Digital self-determination, Digital Governance, Peace Tech



Space, Smart Cities, Agritech-food, Health, Finance & Insurance, Mobility, Education, Industrial Sector, ICT, Peace, Democracy, Humanitarian Aid, Sustainability

Season 4 Winners

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Social impact price

Timeline & Program

28 August 2022

Application deadline

9 September – 6 October

Startups selection by Advisory Board

6 October 2022

Announcement of selected startups at Trust Valley Day, including pitch and booth.
Rolex Learning Center, EPFL

12 October 2022

VC event in partnership with TechTour

17 November 2022

Demo Day Geneva at Trust in Innovation Conference

23 November 2022

SICTIC Investor Day

7 December 2022

Zug Roadshow in partnership with Crypto Valley

8 February 2023

Zurich Roadshow in partnership with PwC Switzerland

23 March 2023

Insomnia’hack Roadshow at SwissTech Convention Center (EPFL)

31 March 2023

Geneva Roadshow in partnership with Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

Register now

3 April 2023

Paris Roadshow

23-27 April 2023

Silicon Valley Roadshow at RSA Conference

23-27 April 2023

Wallis Roadshow in partnership with Canton du Valais, CCI-Valais, Groupe Mutuel, HES-SO Valais & Cybersecurité valais

Register now

6 June 2023

Tech4Trust Awards Ceremony @ Genev’hack


Our Track Record


seed to Serie A companies


leading industry partners


editions since 2019


fund raised by portfolio

What people say about the Tech4Trust


“The Tech4Trust community has enabled us to forge successful strategic partnerships such as the one with Microsoft Azure. This partnership strengthens the security around patient data that is at the heart of the KimboCare initiative. We are feeling very proud and grateful for our time and experience with Tech4Trust.”

Franck Tiambo

Founder @ Kimbocare

“The Tech4Trust program allowed us to connect with the amazing local network of experts as well as, all together will other startups, present an incredible diverse offering.”

Harry Halpin

CEO @ Nym Technology

“The Tech4Trust program has been an incredible springboard for our young startup specialized in the field of data encryption in public clouds. We were able to exchange with remarkable coaches and above all benefit from an unparalleled visibility. The support of the canton of Vaud and the TrusValley has been a great help to start our developments and market our solutions to our first customers.”

Nagib Aouini

CEO @ DuoKey

“We were very fortunate to have extremely qualified mentors who allowed us to better orient our strategy and thanks to which we were able to obtain really relevant information and recommendations which helped us to move forward. ”

Julian Naftule


“The program is an unique opportunity to meet high-motivated innovators and experienced folks with a security mindset. It provides a platform for visibility at the national level, with an appearance at the Swiss CyberSecurity Days. It does not get better than that.”

Laurent Balmelli

CEO @ Strong.Network

See the program in action

Advisory Board 2023

Lajla Aganovic


Pic Barbezat

Marc Barbezat

Canton of Vaud

Pic Bieri

Vincent Bieri


Ubavka Cutile-Nikolova

VP at Barclays Private Bank

Pic Borboen

Yan Borboën

PwC Switzerland

Pic Conz

Raphaël Conz

Canton de Vaud

Pic Crochat

Olivier Crochat


Pic Duguin

Stéphane Duguin

Cyberpeace Institute

Pic Enzler

Cédric Enzler

eXpert Solutions

Pic Geissbuhler

Antoine Geissbühler

Université de Genève

Patrick Ghion

Patrick Ghion

Police de Genève

Pic Hohaus

Bolko Hohaus

SICTIC (Swiss ICT Investor Club)

Jean-Philippe Lallement

Jean-Philippe Lallement

Foundation EPFL Innovation Park

Dr. Vincent Lenders

Cyber-Defence Campus armasuisse

Sylvain Jaccard

Switzerland Global Enterprise

Pic Mauger

Frédéric Mauger


Pic Nicolas

Christophe Nicolas

Kudelski Group

Pic Niggli

Nicholas Niggli

Republic and State of Geneva

Martin Von Muralt

Réseau national de sécurité

Line Pillet

HES-SO  Valais-Wallis

Trust Valley

Sylvain Pasini


Pic Perche

Patrice Perche


Pic Rickli

Jean-Marc Rickli

GCSP, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Trust Valley

Paul Such


Alain Couttolenc

Chief Development and external relations Officer

Yohann Perron


Vera Steullet


Francesca Bosco

CyberPeace Institute

Christophe Bouillard

Chief Information Security Officer

Simone Fortin

MSC Cruises

Lennig Pedron

Trust Valley

Coaches & Mentors

Amine Tazi

Brigitte Roy

carlos moreno

Carlos Moreno


Dominique Guinard

Trust Valley

Dr. Jean-Philippe Aumasson

davor pavuna

Em. Davor Pavuna

Fabien Jacquier

Fabrice Guye

francois d haegeleer

François D’Haegeleer

Gianfranco Moi

Trust Valley

Jérôme Bailly

jerome michaud

Jérôme Michaud

Julien Levis

laura tocmacov

Laura Venchiarutti-Tocmacov

Trust Valley

Laurent Balmelli


Marcel Egger

Marie de Freminville

Mathieu Delavy

Micha Roon

Micha Roon

Morgane Pfefferlé

Pascal Marmier

Trust Valley

Pedro Paiva

philippe niederhauser

Philippe Niederhauser

Philippe-Emmanuel Maulion

Ria Kechagia

Sandra Dängeli

Sébastien Genet

Vera Steullet


Vicken Bayramian

Meet the team


Lennig Pedron

Director @ Trust Valley

Flaminia Giuncato

Program Manager @ Trust Valley

Josua Rochat

Program Lead @ Trust Valley