"Digital trust is the foundation for a functioning society that increasingly interacts digitally. As Switzerland’s leading ICT and qualified Pan-European Trust Service Provider, we want to close the missing last digital trust mile so that everyone can benefit from the advantages of a connected world in a trustworthy and positive way. We are proud to contribute to the ecosystem as part of Trust Valley"
Andreas Tölke, Head of Fintech & Digital Trust at Swisscom
« De par la richesse et la diversité des expertises existantes dans la région lémanique, la Trust Valley se positionne idéalement pour valoriser le savoir-faire de ses institutions académiques et de ses entreprises auprès de tous les acteurs du numérique, tant au niveau national qu’international. »
Isabelle Moret – Conseillère d’Etat, cheffe du Département de l’Économie, de l’Innovation, de l’Emploi et du Patrimoine du Canton de Vaud
"Le canton de Genève est heureux de piloter avec le canton de Vaud ce pôle d’excellence lémanique qu’est la Trust Valley. Cette collaboration est d’autant plus nécessaire aujourd’hui face à l’accélération à laquelle on assiste, notamment en matière d’intelligences artificielles."
Delphine Bachmann, Conseillère d’Etat chargée du Département de l’économie et de l’emploi (DEE) de la République et Canton de Genève
« The Trust Valley is uniquely position to develop a Trust Ecosystem involving multiple stakeholders that can inspire and create a more sustainable world by shifting towards a new Digital Trust within the ecosystems of distributed, mutual trust created by all involved parties. »
Carlos Creus Moreira Founder, Chairman and CEO WISeKey
« When trust is there, the collective benefit is substantial. Confidence in economic and social relations is a key driver of growth in both normal and crisis situations. We must promote an inclusive, transparent and accountable economy and society. We are committed to developing and promoting new trust technologies to achieve this ambitious vision. »
Philippe Amon, CEO, SICPA
« The creation of the Trust Valley responds to a fundamental need and will draw on the exceptional academic and economic environment of the Leman region. The Kudelski Group, a world leader in digital security, has committed to being one of the founding members of Trust Valley and to making its expertise available. »
André Kudelski, CEO, Kudelski Group
« With half a century of innovation and pioneering solutions in the most strategic areas (security, health, energy, transport, finance, social insurance, ticketing, etc.), the ELCA Group is proud to contribute to this common edifice, a creator of value and highly qualified jobs. »
Cédric Moret, CEO, ELCA Group
« Mastering our digital security is a major challenge for our country. The ELCA Group is already actively cooperating with institutions and players in the region through concrete projects in the areas of data storage (Cloud) and digital identity, among others. We are pleased that these promising synergies find in the Trust Valley initiative a strong political, academic and economic anchor, benefiting society as a whole. »
Christophe Gerber, General Manager CloudTrust
« The Trust Valley brings together academic institutions and companies to develop security, the sine qua non of trust, in the digital age. The University of Lausanne will contribute to this effort through its integrative approach to cybersecurity and digital tracing, which includes technical aspects as well as ethical, legal, judicial and criminological issues. »
Nouria Hernandez, Rector of the University of Lausanne
« Trust is a major societal issue in the era of digital transformations. Thanks to its multiple competences, its links with the City and with international Geneva, its research and innovation capacities and its partnerships with industrial actors, the University of Geneva is ideally positioned to contribute to the development and influence of the Trust Valley. »
Yves Flückiger, Rector of the University of Geneva
« The stakes and challenges of digital trust are combining the skills of public, private and academic players. HEIG-VD is pleased to contribute to the Trust Valley in a solid complementarity with the other academic partners, bringing its expertise in cybersecurity in applied research projects in partnership with the actors of the economic fabric. »
Catherine Hirsch, Director of the HEIG-VD
« Digital trust is a major challenge and our region has some extremely well recognized players. The TRUST VALLEY makes our ecosystem even more fertile by harnessing the strengths of each individual. Cybersecurity being an essential aspect, the HEIG-VD proposes to bring the expertise of its Y-Security skills centre, with its 20 years of experience in research and training. »
Sylvain Pasini, Head of Competence Center Y-Security, HEIG-VD
« The GCSP, located in the centre of International Geneva, is known for its inclusive approach and for providing a safe space, allowing like-minded and non-like minded people, to come together, join their forces and find common solutions. It is therefore only natural that it is a founding member of the Trust Valley, the centre of expertise on digital trust and cybersecurity of the Lemanic Arc. »
Ambassador Thomas GREMINGER – Director of Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
« The value and therefore the trust placed in economic players is now intrinsically linked to the strategy with which they structure and deploy themselves to create a secure digital world. The Trust Valley, a centre of expertise, will contribute to making Switzerland a leader in the field of digital trust. »
Martin Vetterli, President, EPFL
« A centre of expertise such as Trust Valley enables the development of innovative projects and services in the field of digital trust and cybersecurity. This cluster is also intended to help companies remain competitive in the face of the challenges of digitalisation, for example by providing solutions against cyber-malware. »
Frankie Ng, CEO, SGS
A unique concentration of strategic players
Thanks to its recognised know-how, Western Switzerland is ideally positioned to set the milestones for digital trust at the international level.
The geographical proximity of the various hubs of expertise facilitates networking and encourages the emergence of innovative projects.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), EPFL Innovation Park, Center for Digital Trust (C4DT), HEIG-VD, Y-Security, Y-Parc, Université de Lausanne, Square One, Biopôle, IMD
International Geneva, University of Geneva, ONU, ITU, WEF, Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP), EHEID, CERN, Geneva Internet Platform, Graduate Institute Geneva, Fongit, Campus Biotech Innovation Park
Idiap, Secure VS, The Ark